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Puzzle Wallet

Puzzle Wallet is a simple game. You need to discover the hidden words in the puzzle to make a bitcoin wallet seed.
When you found all 12 words (24 words from level 6 !) , just use this seed to open a wallet (with electrum for example; from level 6 insert 12 firsts words then the 12 next words.), then send all the coins inside the wallet to your personnal bitcoin address ! (do not keep funds in this wallet as another one could found the seed too)
Be aware that you also need to find the right order of the words to make the seed working.
Good luck !

Reward for this Puzzle : 0.00100000 BTC (Balance of bitcoin wallet)
The bitcoin address : 15tMHYaMHK...
The seed wallet is : .... Discover it ! ...

The Puzzle Level 6 + -

Words Seed : head honey bitter find sock dash bridge ?urr? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???
Green words are in the right order... While the red ones are not. The Bitcoin Seed need 12 words (24 words from level 6 !) . You got them? Click here
- The ? are not representing a fixed number of letter; ?o? could be bitcoin
- Possible seeds 12 firsts words are listed here : Words List
- You can use a program or any external tool to generate all possible orders

Last winner

Puzzle Level 5 #212479 toetoe won 0.00100000 BTC ! (seed was : pill verify exist flight code alpha settle twin pass energy nominee drip)
Puzzle Level 4 #212479 toetoe won 0.00100000 BTC ! (seed was : method gadget swarm remember carpet urge labor raise leg bone cause reopen)
Puzzle Level 3 #2831 sjshaw21 won 0.00075000 BTC ! (seed was : roof body island hollow shove ignore crazy teach pigeon cover march ordinary)
Puzzle Level 2 #2831 sjshaw21 won 0.00050000 BTC ! (seed was : hammer sheriff void deliver drum beef plate grape interest twin side concert)
Puzzle Level 1 #2831 sjshaw21 won 0.00005000 BTC ! (seed was : mirror play excite proud danger galaxy negative wrong slender merit girl indicate)

If you have found a seed of a puzzle and get the funds, let us know in chat that you won and give us the seed to be added here!
Congratulations !
You pass the first step of this puzzle !

After you have found the 12 words (24 words from level 6 !) of the seed in the crossword game, you need to get the right order of them to make the seed.

Download Electrum, make a new wallet, name it "test", use a standard wallet with the option "I already have a seed", then add your words in one or another order... untill you get in the wallet...

When you are in, just send all the funds to your bitcoin wallet.

Congratulations !