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Crypto Converter Tool

This is a practical tool that will help you to know the value of your coins. You don't need to check the price or use any calculator... Allcoins.pw will do that for you.
You just have to enter the amount in any coin row and all others coins will be updated in the same time at their rate ! Simple as that !
If you want to exchange your coins, go to the exchange crypto page.


0.00000000 BTC (0 BTC satoshi) USD/BTC : 67428.6
0.00000000 DOGE (0 DOGE satoshi) USD/DOGE : 0.146016
0.00000000 LTC (0 LTC satoshi) USD/LTC : 70.8251
0.00000000 ETH (0 ETH satoshi) USD/ETH : 2643.83
0.00000000 DASH (0 DASH satoshi) USD/DASH : 35.99
0.00000000 XMR (0 XMR satoshi) USD/XMR : 156.22
0.00000000 BCH (0 BCH satoshi) USD/BCH : 364.9
0.00000000 XLM (0 XLM satoshi) USD/XLM : 0.0956
0.00000000 XRP (0 XRP satoshi) USD/XRP : 0.544681
0.00000000 TRX (0 TRX satoshi) USD/TRX : 0.157984
0.00000000 GGM (0 GGM satoshi) USD/GGM : 0.0075
0.00000000 SOL (0 SOL satoshi) USD/SOL : 166.92
0.00000000 ATOM (0 ATOM satoshi) USD/ATOM : 4.90874
0.00000000 EGLD (0 EGLD satoshi) USD/EGLD : 26.4

If you own a blog or a website, you can integrate this tool into your page with a simple code :

You can also load a default coin and price by changing values (for example : change "coin=usd&val=0" to "coin=btc&val=0.01")