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Web Miner

You can mine crypto all day and all night with your CPU. Nothing to do, Allcoins.pw will do the payout automatically of your mined crypto for you every 10 minutes.

Choose the coin to mine

# Coin Reward per 1M Hash
BTC Web Miner Bitcoin 0.00000000 BTC
DOGE Web Miner Dogecoin 0.00169293 DOGE
LTC Web Miner Litecoin 0.00000319 LTC
ETH Web Miner Ethereum 0.00000007 ETH
DASH Web Miner Dash 0.00000633 DASH
XMR Web Miner Monero 0.00000140 XMR
BCH Web Miner BitcoinCash 0.00000060 BCH
XLM Web Miner Stellar Lumens 0.00221101 XLM
XRP Web Miner Ripple 0.00037949 XRP
TRX Web Miner Tron 0.00166033 TRX
GGM Web Miner GoGoMonster Token 0.03036453 GGM
SOL Web Miner Solana 0.00000123 SOL
ATOM Web Miner Cosmos 0.00003634 ATOM
EGLD Web Miner Elrond 0.00000676 EGLD